This list of resources and citations supports the ideas and development of this toolkit. They are linked to specific cards in the CS Coaching Toolkit. Use these resources to gather more information and dive deeper into specific educational best practices.
This card deck was developed in parallel with CSTA’s Coaching Toolkit. We encourage you to utilize the CSTA Toolkit in conjunction with this one. CSTA CS Coaching Toolkit
Cards with citations either quoted the linked work or the content was a direct representation of the linked work in some way.
Click on card for resources
CS Coaching
This toolkit supports content coaching in the CS classroom. A coaching relationship is built on trust and shared expertise and is always consultative and never evaluative. The coaching cycle, as defined by West and Cameron, includes three components: co-planning, co-teaching, and reflection and feedback. In addition to supporting this coaching cycle, the cards in the CS Coaching section include Coaching Lenses, which give coaches an overall framework for guiding discussions, and Coaching Practices, which offers concrete, detailed strategies on working with teachers to achieve their goals.